We had a great week getting to know each other and our new class procedures. We have a wonderful group of children, thank you for sharing them with us!
Next week (the week of the 22nd-26th) we will be learning about the following:
Math: Place Value: Numbers to 100
Literature story: Wilson Sat Alone
Social Studies: Geography - Spatial sense (How we can live in many different places at once, ex: North America, the U.S., Arizona, and Glendale simultaneously).
Spelling Words: they, say, said, was, has, have, give, because, of, you
Bonus Words: amazing, gather, wander, cluster, race
We will have early release on Friday the 26th. Dismissal time is at 12:20. Please be sure to talk with your child about whether they will be eating lunch at school or somewhere else and how they will be getting home.
We look forward to a great remainder of our year together!
Mrs. Duran and Mrs. Saries